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MY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost

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MY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost Empty MY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost

Message  CAZAFANTASMA Dim 20 Déc 2009 - 11:51

MY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost 28nov2009068
By spv11, shot with DMC-FS20 at 2009-12-20

Hello, I'm kind of new here, i want to present to you mi pride and Joy! My Customized Ray Stantz. Even though i loved the figure Mattell did, i didn't like some aspects, like the head, the ecto googles and there were some innacuracies in the pack and gun, so here is what i did to him:
Changed the body to a Dragon BBII Body
Changed the head for a resin custom head
Added more knobs to the ecto google and painted it olive green
Proton Pack: Painted silver the ion arm plus added the alex bolts, corrected the tiwested ribbon cable, painted the holes in the hga white. Shortened the hose that connects the pack to the gun.
Proton Gun: Added the hook on the botton, added the left ear gun, added more knobs on the gun body.
Changed the web belt for a real clothe one, and added a cigar!
Added some gloves to hang from the belt.

So here he is. Enjoy!

MY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost 22nov2009g029.thMY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost 22nov2009g027.thMY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost 22nov2009031.thMY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost 22nov2009030.thMY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost 22nov2009026.thMY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost 15nov2009116.th

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Date d'inscription : 10/02/2009

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MY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost Empty Re: MY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost

Message  drcaron Dim 20 Déc 2009 - 12:33

machoirre is verry nice what you made on the the figurine ,bon travail
Chasseur de fantome
Chasseur de fantome

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Date d'inscription : 01/11/2008

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MY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost Empty Re: MY 12 INCH RAY STANTZ and library ghost

Message  Spengler Mar 22 Déc 2009 - 8:44

Awsome job, indeed this head look more like Ray! good details!!!!
Chasseur de fantome
Chasseur de fantome

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1960
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 05/11/2008


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