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1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures

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1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures Empty 1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures

Message  CAZAFANTASMA Sam 21 Fév 2009 - 18:47

Hello guys this is my first post on this forum. I collect and sell custom made GBS figures in 12", for those who don´t know, 12" figures are barbie size, here is a pic of my RAY next to a coca cola can for size reference...

1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures Raynexttocan
By spv11, shot with DMC-FS20 at 2009-02-21

So afther watching DR Spengler´s Kenner Ecto 1 reconstruction, i got all excited, his post served me as inspiration, and i decided i was going to build an ecto for my figures.... So i bought this classic barbie car off ebay, to start with a base, so it would be easier..
1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures E31a1zv1
By spv11 at 2008-12-21
1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures Dscf6682ts9
By spv11, shot with FinePix S7000 at 2009-01-15
Boy i was wrong!!!!!!!!! turns out it ended up been A LOT OF HARD WORK, the doors didn´t open so ihat to figure out how to do that... also i hat to reinforse the base of the car, so it would hold the weight of the roof rack and the roof it self!

1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures Dscf6683fh7
By spv11, shot with FinePix S7000 at 2009-01-15
The front was cool but i had to re build it because it didin´t look llike the ecto... so afther a 28 days of hard work, i present to you, ECTO1!!!!!! This thing is huge!
1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures 31782419ds3
By spv11, shot with FinePix S7000 at 2009-02-20
1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures 77197069cp8
By spv11, shot with FinePix S7000 at 2009-02-19

1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures 46210896gs6
By spv11, shot with FinePix S7000 at 2009-02-20

The lights also work and the sirens spins , will make a video later..
1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures Dscf6901fi0
By spv11, shot with FinePix S7000 at 2009-02-20

I want to thank DrSPengler for sharing his stickers, i will put them tomorrow hopefully.... Now...LET´S RUN SOME RED LIGHTS!!!!!!

1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures Getattachmentaspx
By spv11 at 2009-02-20

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 10/02/2009

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1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures Empty Re: 1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures

Message  Dr.Lauzon Sam 21 Fév 2009 - 19:26


Glad to see you post at last!

This is awesome work. We don't recognize the barbie car. Besides the wheels, that is. That's good looking. Do you have pictures of the process? there seems to be quite a few challenges in there.

Maybe I should go back to making scaled models...
Chasseur de fantome
Chasseur de fantome

Masculin Nombre de messages : 996
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2008


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1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures Empty Re: 1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures

Message  drcaron Lun 23 Fév 2009 - 17:48

I am verry glad tha you post your fantastik job you built the famour ecto-1 from a barbie is amazing job and i love your custom figures. :poucega:

you are welcome :bienvenue :
Chasseur de fantome
Chasseur de fantome

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2143
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2008

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1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures Empty Re: 1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures

Message  Spengler Lun 23 Fév 2009 - 20:43

yah a lot ow construction a lot of creation and a fantastic result!
Chasseur de fantome
Chasseur de fantome

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1960
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 05/11/2008


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1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures Empty Re: 1:6 ecto 1 for 12" figures

Message  Dr.Pepper Mar 24 Fév 2009 - 15:45

Welcome aboard CAZAFANTASMA :)

Amazing !!! realy do a good job on this Ecto 1 and figures :poucedr: lot of works to do it machoirre


Masculin Nombre de messages : 497
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2008


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