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Ad-Astra 2009 (27-29 Mars Toronto)

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Ad-Astra 2009 (27-29 Mars Toronto) Empty Ad-Astra 2009 (27-29 Mars Toronto)

Message  Wookiemart Lun 12 Jan 2009 - 12:00

Salut tout le monde, je tenais a partager avec vous cette information au sujet du salon Ad-Astra : http://www.ad-astra.org/

C'est un jolie petit salon comme on les aiment, en fait c'est ce qu'ont voudrais tous que Con*Cept soit.

J'ais l'honneur d'être le responsable de la programation: costumes cette année et je tenais a vous informer sur les différents panels et ateliers de discussion qui y aurront lieu.

En voici une liste avec leur descriptions, si vous voulez je peut vous la traduire au besoin.

Spandex Tutorial : Spandex can be a VERY tricky fabric to work with, here are a few tips to avoid the pitfalls.

Armor Making Introduction : The many intricacies of designing/recreating and wearing armor.

Hall Costuming VS Stage : Contrary to common belief there is a world of difference between the two, come in and find out.

Presentation VS Workmanship : Both have importance and both make or break the overall feel of your costumes, which should you be focusing most on.

Steampunk Fashion Show : Come and see these beautiful creations on the Runway.

Masquerade Rules : Knowing the rules makes life so much more enjoyable, and knowing is half the battle.

How to include electronics into your costumes : A flashing light here, a moving part there, it's the little things that make people go OOOHHH, AAAHHH.

Doll Costuming and Props : The little people want to play dressup too, come in and find out how to scale it down to their size.

Foam Sculpting 101: From Muppets to monsters, foam has been at the very base of all the creatures of our imagination, come and learn a few of the tricks used to bring them to life.

Corset Workshop : Called a torture device by some, and pure genius by others, Corsets have been around for a long time, and are here to stay it would seem. Here is your chance to learn a bit more about them.

Stitch'n Bitch : Have a seat and chat it up with these modern day courtesans all the while polishing up on your knitting skills. A great way to relax and vent a little.

Dr Who Costuming : Over 50 years of Doctors and Monsters, this one will be packed full of stuff.

Posing and Photography : Making the costume and wearing the costume is one thing, but posing in it is what really brings it to life, come and learn the trick of the trade.

911 Costuming Helpline : Having a problem with the glue you are using, your seams are always coming apart and you can't figure out why, come and have a chat with experienced veterans, together we will solve your problems.

Miracles Of Makeup : It's been around for thousands of years, and it is still the best way to make a face.

Multilayer stencil demo : The intricate techniques required to give your stencils the depth they deserve.

Kimono wearing workshop : It's not as simple as you might think come and learn a few things.

From Idea to Reality : How to take an idea or image and turn it into a real object, come and learn the step by step way to reality.

Costume finishing techniques : So you've done it, your costume is finally finished. Or is it???

Prop making : So many ideas, so many way's to do them, come in and learn about a few of them.

J'ais besoin de volontaires pour ces panels, donc si ça vous intéresse laissez le moi savoir, le salon offre un rabais de quelques dollards sur les passes en fonction du temps volontaires que vous fournissez je ne suis pas certains des chiffres mais je crois que c'est 10$ de rabais sur votre passe pour 2 ou 3 hrs de travail volontaire répartis sur la fin de semaine.

Dernière édition par Wookiemart le Mar 13 Jan 2009 - 12:04, édité 1 fois

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 11/01/2009

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Ad-Astra 2009 (27-29 Mars Toronto) Empty Re: Ad-Astra 2009 (27-29 Mars Toronto)

Message  drcaron Lun 12 Jan 2009 - 16:40

Tres interessent mais malheureusement je ne pourai pas étre la :(
Chasseur de fantome
Chasseur de fantome

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2143
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2008

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