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dragon*con 2009 ,special ghostbusters

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dragon*con 2009 ,special ghostbusters Empty dragon*con 2009 ,special ghostbusters

Message  drcaron Ven 1 Mai 2009 - 12:23

En cette année du 25 anniverssaire de GB il se prepare un ressemblement de plusieur groupe internationeaux a la convention Dragon con a Atlanta GA ,plusieur activité feron parti de cette féte ,moi je ne prevoi pas y aller aport si la vrai Ecto-1 serrait exposé mais il na rien quil confirme sa presence en ce qui concerne les acteurs et autre perssonne qui on travaillé sur le film je nai pas trouver aucune information qui serra present de ce coté mais peu importe qui serra la ca ne me ferra pas changer d idée :?:
Pour en savoir plus veuller vésité le lien www.gbfans.con
pour la convention veuller vésité www.dragoncon.com

Le texte presenté sur gbfans
the spirits are right this year with the up coming Ghostbusters: The Video Game, Blu-Ray, Mattel Toys, Minimates and more being released for the 25th Anniversary of the movie that started it all. To celebrate this birthmark of the franchise we are proud to present PKE Surge 2009 hosted at Dragon Con this September in Atlanta, Georgia! Proudly sponsored by your friends at Ghostbusters Fans, PKE Surge promises to be the most exciting real life Ghostbusters event to date; with awards, giveaways, and tons of ectoplasmic fun!

As we speak Ghostheads from across the country are putting their names down to participate in the event. Some of the fun activities we have in store for the first annual PKE Surge meet in Dragon Con include: Parade, Community Dinner, Crunch Awards, GBFans Table, Live Ghostheads Podcast Recording, GBTV, PKE Surge Merchandise, Free Giveaways and more!

So what better way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of your favorite film than by meeting up with fellow Ghostheads? Don't wait another minute, pick up the phone and book your hotel today, space is limited!

-Attendance List
-Hotel List
-DragonCon Website

Posted By: Dan AKA at April 19th, 2009, 12:44 am (Sur gbfans.com )
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