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ghostbusters custom uniform combo package

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ghostbusters custom uniform combo package Empty ghostbusters custom uniform combo package

Message  CAZAFANTASMA Mar 12 Avr 2011 - 22:18


HI, Up for grabs is a custom kit, everything pictures is included! SUPER LOW STARTING BID! NO RESERVE! You'll get:

1- Custom made Ghostbuster UNIFORM gray color.

2- Mattet's ghostbuster belt.

3-Custom painted gloves (you can hang them on the belt!)

3- Resin Ghost trap kit, its easy to paint! Will come pre assembled.

4-One black t-shirt

5-One custom painted Ray Stantz resin head ! With Dan Ayckroyd likeness!

ghostbusters custom uniform combo package Img1063v
By spv11 at 2011-04-10

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